The inspectors are also supposed to reconfirm the compliance of the ships and their fittings with the requirements of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships ( MARPOL 73/78 as mended ), as well as the proper functioning of the International Safety Management system ( ISM ) and the observance of the ISPS code procedures. To avoid potential conflict of interests with other scopes of UMS Marbalco activities instituted in company’s structure independent Flag State Inspections Department under personal supervision of our Managing Director.
UMS Marbalco Co. Ltd. is approved by following Maritime Administrations to carry out the flag inspections:
Presently we are having at our disposal a network of Flag State inspectors in Polish ports and Saint Petersburg.
For more information please contact our office:
Phone: +48 58 551 70 37 | Fax: +48 58 551 68 38 | e-mail:
Contact Persons:
Capt. Kazimierz Goworowski
Managing Director
Mobile phone: +48 602 281 932 | e-mail: |
Capt. Waldemar Frankiewicz - Director of Operations
Mobile phone: +48 607 139 100 | e-mail:
UMS Marbalco Co. Ltd.
ul. 3 Maja 21/2, 81-747 Sopot
+ 48 58 551 70 37 | |